
Perhentian Islands

The Perhentian Islands are great!

We spent 7 days on the island, 5 of those days were hard work, waking up at 9 and diving all day til 5. But, I finally got my diving license The rest of the time was spent drinking and lounging around.

The typical day was waking up at 8.45, arriving late to the diving class, workinghard til 5, then having an afternoon nap or playing beach volleyball with the locals, dinner/movie at 8, drinking at 10.30, and bed. Great life!

We met some cool people on the island that became our lil social group, Chris from England (we met h im in Taman Negara) and Tom and J asmin (from Switzerland). Basically we did everything together (like a happy little family, haha). Its good to hang out with cool people in a nice place.

There are 2 islands, The Big Island and The Small Island. Both have white sandy beaches and clear water, really a perfect place to relax and hang out. The big island is more for couples and older people while the small island is a young crowd hangout. One great thing about the islands are there are no people bothering you to buy anything or do some activity, all the locals are living in the same huts as the tourists, eating at the same places and doing the same things so you dont have any problems.

I highly recomend this place for anyone looking for an island getaway, for diving, snorkeling or just relaxing on the beach, its beautiful.


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