
Advanced Diver

Ko Tao is for divers, and thats about it. Every hotel has a dive shop and gives you a cheap room while you are diving. If you aren't diving then you can stay (and pay more) but your not encouraged to stay. There are tons of beaches and islands to hang out at around the island, but I haven't met anyone thats here and not diving.

I got my Advanced Diver License, so now basically I can dive anywhere I want without a guide or instructor. It took 4 days to get the regular open water license and 5 dives to become advanced. We dove down to 30mtrs (25 yards?) the deepest a non dive master can go, we also did a night dive (a little scary...you can't see anything except what your flashlight shines on). I'm glad to get it over with, now I can jsut dive for fun whenever I want.

After a month on the islands of Malaysia and Thailand, and 7 days on Ko Tao, on to Bangkok and mainland Thailand.


At 4/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dive Master. Glad to hear all is well.
Heading on to the Jungle now huh.
Luv U

At 4/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 meters = 33.3yards


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