
About Singapore

This town is really beautiful, I wasn't expecting it to be much, but I really like it. It's true that there are lots of rules and regulations, but none that bothered me (true that if I lived here it would be a different story). The country is extremely safe, with pickpocketing being the only threat, but not much of one.

Most people can speak English very well and those that can't can at least communicate somethings. The signs and anouncements are all basically in English. The national language is Malay and the biggest percentage of the population speaks Mandarin as a 1st language, but as a whole if you speak English here you're ok.

The population is very diverse and as a whole it looks like all people co-exist well together (this is really just a guess since I haven't been here long). Most of the people are Chinese, and there is also a large Indian population, S.E. Asians and westerners are also common. I never got stared at for being a foreigner like I have in some other countries.

The architecture of the city is almost as diverse as the population. The old buildings (church, government buildings and some hotels) have Colonial European architecture, downtown is very modern and has many beautiful, large, unique skyscrapers, also there are many Chinese-style buildings throughout the city (but very clean, unlike in China). The town also has various religious buildings that stand out. Basically the city looks like it was built in the past 15 years, even the old buildings look completely new. Its amazing.

The food is great and cheap (unfortunately the beer isn't). There are tons of vegetarian restaurants all over the city, I really like the food here.

The laws are strict, no smoking in public (cigarettes are expensive about $7 US), no chewing gum, no eating or drinking in public (except in restaurants of course).


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