
The Route

This is basically what I`m planning. It`s a pretty obvious path to follow through the countries. This isn`t a strict route, just a guide to keep myself on pace and not get too far off track.

arrive in Singapore, hang out a few days, and take a train to Malaysia.

a few days in Kuala Lumpur, then up to Tahan National Forest for some hiking, then up to the northeast for some relaxing and scuba diving on the islands off Khota Bharu. Finally to the northwest to Penang and enter Thailand by bus.

go to Ko Phi Phi for some more diving and relaxing, then across the land to the east and by boat to Ko Samui and Ko Phanang (I hope I time it right for the Full Moon Party). Back to land by boat and then up to Bangkok for a short break. Up to Chiang Mai for some jungle treks in northwest of Thailand. Back through Bangkok and into Cambodia by boat.

enter at Sihanoukville (Cambodia`s beach resort), to Phnom Pen and then up river to Angkor Wat (old civilization similar to Machu Pichu in Peru or Pyramids in Egypt). Back to Phnom Pen and taking a bus down to south Vietnam.

hang out around Ho Chi Minh and the Mekong Delta, up to Nha Trang (good beach area) then continue up north to Hanoi. Destination next...China (through the northwest of Vietnam).

check out the southwest. Start up in Kunming and then up to Chengdu, Chonqing and across the Yangtze to Wuhan, then Shanghai and up to Beijing. After a trip to see Mao, take the Siberian Rail to Mongolia.

Stop in at Ulan Bator and take a side trip to stay in a ger (nomadic camp). Back on the Sib Rail and enter Russia.

Stop just past the border at Irkutsk, take a side trip to nearby Lake Baikal (deepest lake in the world), then back on the Rail to Moscow. Hang out with Lenin and off to St Petersburg.

not exaclty decided, hopefully to Poland, Hungary, Czech and Austria, then trough Germany to Netherlands and France.


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